這也是在午餐特賣時買的,此可謂本區(Palo Alto downtown)價錢最漂亮的餐廳,想省錢的人可別放過這一家。不過可能老闆炒的太過火,肉焦掉了,這是失敗之處。(敢情這也是為了配合老美的口味,老美也喜歡吃焦掉的東西吧?之前吃過一個漢堡,那漢堡肉其中一面完全焦掉,哇塞,這樣也敢拿出來賣?我只好自認倒楣...)然後右上角那兩塊"油炸混沌皮"堪稱經典之小菜,成本絕對不超過台幣兩元,我想。
$ 5.35(with Tax)
Add: University Ave. & Emerson St., Palo Alto CA (旁邊有另外一家金金飯店,紅燒牛肉麵超讚的!肉質鮮嫩可口,湯頭又健,加上採用拉麵,吃完整個讚,莫怪被評選為最佳餐廳達數年之久,我吃到忘我而沒拍照片,請大家自行想像)
Labels: Chinese
蛋撻王茶餐廳 - 榨菜肉絲米粉
$ 3.00
Labels: Chinese
榕園 - 素菜撈麵Lo Mein
西餐餅屋 - 三寶飯
$3.75 便宜又大碗,請各位看官趕快去吃吃看吧!
Add: 38th W St. & 8th Ave.
Labels: Chinese
Chinataste in Central Park

*包著鹹蛋黃、綠豆豆沙的鹹粽 $ 1
Chinatown is usually quite crowded. During the Taste of Chinatown food festival, is was super crowded there. So when we were full, we grabbed a 粽子 and a special bun with meat, and went to Central Park to eat. Very relaxing.

*烤鴨割包 $ 1 for each
Labels: Chinese
Taste of Chinatown

Some pictures from last weekend's food festival in China Town. Many delicious things were served, at a price of one or two dollars.

Labels: Chinese
Aki筷子樓 - 湖南牛飯

這是一家日本餐廳,不過我買到的食物卻是中國菜(這景象在紐約很常見,服務生甚至廚師都說中文,總讓人覺得是假的)。商業午餐組合為主菜+飯(白飯或糙米飯)+湯(酸辣湯或蛋花湯)或春捲,老實說很划算,加上份量大,吃完只能躺在地上等他消化完畢才走得動(當天我外帶到中央公園的綿羊草場Sheep Meadow野餐,隨後倒在地上曬太陽)。
$ 5.xx~6
Add: 128 W 36th St. NY
Labels: Chinese
雙喜飯店 - 星洲炒米、酸辣湯

$ 星洲炒米 6.95 / 酸辣湯 1.95(?)
Add: 81 Mott St.
Labels: Chinese, Singaporian
蘭州拉麵、水餃 - 羊肉拉麵

$ 4
Add: 144 E. Broadway (close to the subway station)
Labels: Chinese
Chicken with asparagus

Score: 6/10
Price: $14
Priceworthness: 4/10
Labels: Chinese
Chinese chicken wrap

Score: 6
Price: $9
Priceworthness: 4
Chinese lunch bargain

1) They serve food really fast.
2) You get much food, it is cheap, and a soup is included
3) They like to speak Chinese with me
Today I choosed their tofu with vegetables and fried chicken. Delicious, quite healthy and cheap :)
Price: $4
Score: 7
Priceworthness: 8
Labels: Chinese
Chinese food, too salty?
Until now, I guess I know why they have this kind of impression. One Turkish friend told me that he thinks Chinese food is too PLAIN, so when he gets food, the first action he will do is to add more salt on it! Oh my!... And I recalled when I was in Istanbul, I found their food sometimes too salty, like stewed meat, oh, it's so impressive. So to conclude, in order to adapt "foreigners'" taste, Chinese chefs changed their way to cook!?
A-pei mama said, the less salt you add, the healthier you will be.
Until now, I guess I know why they have this kind of impression. One Turkish friend told me that he thinks Chinese food is too PLAIN, so when he gets food, the first action he will do is to add more salt on it! Oh my!... And I recalled when I was in Istanbul, I found their food sometimes too salty, like stewed meat, oh, it's so impressive. So to conclude, in order to adapt "foreigners'" taste, Chinese chefs changed their way to cook!?
A-pei mama said, the less salt you add, the healthier you will be.
Labels: Chinese
本樓撈麵House's special LO MEIN
$ 4.5.
Add: E 106th St. & Lexiton Ave.
Labels: Chinese
Chinese pecan chicken in Harlem
Score: 5/10
Price: $5
Priceworthness: 6/10
Labels: Chinese
Dim Sum

Price: $7 for all
Score: 7/10
Priceworthness: 6/10

Labels: Chinese
Home made dumpling soup

Price: Really cheap
Score: 7/10
Master Yap葉 - 中國菜
Add: 155 East 52nd St. New York
Labels: Chinese
故鄉味 - 中國菜
Add: 1049 2nd Ave. New York (Bet. 55th & 56th St.)
Labels: Chinese
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