火車頭 - 蝦米檬捲,海鮮粉,豆腐西筍
$ 蝦米檬捲3.50 海鮮粉4.50 豆腐西筍6.00
Add: 86 Mulbeery St.
PS. 最近我們不太敢吃肉類(雞豬牛),所以改吃海鮮或蔬菜,以免吃到遭受有毒中國飼料污染的動物的肉),請大家響應吧!無論如何小心為上!
Labels: vietnamese
Vietnamese noodle soup

The spring rolls did have a feeling of "light" meal, which is understandable since Vietnam is located in tropical area. They tasted good, much thanks to the peanut sauce.

Price: $10 for all
Food score: 7/10
Priceworthness: 6/10
Labels: vietnamese
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