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Oundvikligt med krig mot Kina?
hälften av befolkningen tror att krig är oundvikligt om Taiwan förklarar
sig självständigt gentemot Kina.
The Taiwan Business Weekly published on July 22 results of a poll
on local people's views on the cross-Straits situation. Mr. Zhu Yunhan, general advisor of the magazine and a professor
from the "National Taiwan University", pointed
out that 58 percent local people believe that a war is unavoidable if the
island declares independence; and 60 percent believe that Taiwan would be totally
incapable of defending if the United States doesn't send
troops to help.
In the poll the local public was firstly questioned about the
possibility of a cross-Straits war, Taiwan media reported.
Among Taiwan people 64 percent don't believe a war will
break out in coming three years, but the percentage dropped to 38 percent
if Chen Shui-bian authority declares the
formulation of "new constitution" in 2006, and further slid to 21
percent if Taiwan declares independence.
Besides, the poll also showed that once a war breaks out, 52
percent believe the United States would send troops
to help; and nearly 60 percent think that the island is totally defenseless if the United States don't help, among
them those of higher education degree took a large proportion.
People's Daily Online, 23 juli